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by Xiaomeng Chen, Xuan Wu, Aditi Gupta. 2019

Sound of Nature

Dancing in

Wilkinson front courtyard



Three of us formed as a team in MIDEA program in the University of Sydney in 2019. We aimed at investigating creative interventions into the urban landscape. Through the creative use of digital, interactive technologies, we designed, prototyped and built site-specific installations aimed at encouraging ritualistic, playful and artistic experiences in public space on campus. The final work of the studio was named the Sound of Nature (2019).

The sound of nature (2019) is an interactive dancing prop. It is suggested to be used on the wooden stage at the front courtyard of Wilkinson building on the campus of the University of Sydney. It is made of hundreds of pop sticks. Inside, there are installations of remote controlled blinking fairy lights, programmable wemos board and IMU sensor.

这项作品由吴璇,Aditi Gupta 和我三人完成于2019年,是我们硕士期间的小组项目。通过创造性地使用数字媒体互动技术,我们研究、设计并制作了原型以及建造了针对特定地点的交互装置。旨在迎合校园生活的仪式性,娱乐性和艺术性体验。

“自然之声”是一种可互动的舞蹈道具,取名“自然之声”来自于我们对交互场所的调查研究所得的灵感 -- 威尔金森大楼前院的木制舞台(位于悉尼大学校园),舞台周边更有些许绿植和动听的鸟叫声。



My Responsibilities



1. The programming process was complex. There was no previous programming examples on how to connect Arduino board with the Processing system.
2. Hard to find dancers to interview with.
3. Some demands from users cannot be met with based on existing technologies.
4. Site constraints — unpredictable weather, and limited power access.


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